Hey, it has been a while!
I'm here to give a quick update on how things are going!
So if you follow me here (which you totally should, we have reached 150 fans!!), you might have seen I released Goth Vs Demons on halloween night. And I'll be honest, it was pretty broken.
I wasn't happy when I released it, I just wanted to release something. Because I had a plan.
You see, both A Date with Death and Hare Egg took around 2 weeks to leave "Under Judgment", so, if I did an update BEFORE it left, barely anyone would see the broken game.
HOWEVER YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY, because instead of 2 weeks it took 2 days. And instead of a couple of views it has over 200???
You guys absolutely outplayed my plan.
Welp either way, the update is out right now!
If fixes most of the most glaring problems and adds some new stuff to spice up gameplay a bit.
It's basically a complete overall of the original game, so I suggest giving it a try!
Next I'll be continue working on A Date with Death 2 which will hopefully be released by the end of the month.
So until then, here's a sneak peak of the date <3